- Music (melody, rhythm, harmony)
- Basic music notation (staff, clef, measure, bar line, measure numbers, end barline)
- Structure of music: Repeat / 1st and 2nd ending / D.C., Coda, Segno
- Meter (time signatures)
- Note values (whole to 16ths), counting
- Rest values (whole to 16ths), counting
- Rhythmic dot / Fermata / Cesura
- Irregular divisions of the beat: triplets / quintuplets / sextuplets / duplets / quadruplets
- Intervals (perfect, major, minor, diminished, augmented)
- Interval Inversions
- Compound Intervals
- Tetrachords (major, minor, harmonic, upper minor)
- Building Scales with Tetrachords
- Keys/Tonality / Key Signatures / Relative / Enharmonic
- Circle of 5ths / Circle of 4ths
- Arpeggios (major, minor, diminished, augmented, dominant 7th)
- Degrees to the Scale (Tonic, Dominant, etc.)
- Triads (major, minor, diminished, augmented)
- 4-Note Chords (7th)
- Chord Inversions
- Working with metronome (BPM)
- Rhythm claps call-response
- Coordination and Independence
- Conducting patterns
- Dynamics
- Articulation (staccato, legato, tenuto)
- Ornaments (embellishments): Grace note / Trill / Mordent
- Common Baroque Dances (Minutet, Gavotte, Bourrée, Sarabande, Gigue, Musette, Rigadoon)
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